Maintaining your deck is crucial to ensuring your space remains functional and beautiful all year round, even if it’s too cold or wet to be outside enjoying it. And while it might sound like a daunting task, especially if this is your first time adding a deck to your home, the key is small, consistent steps so you can avoid major repairs and keep your deck looking new for years.

The kind of decking you have is important to know, as maintaining a wood deck is different than a composite deck. However, there are some similarities. Let this guide show you how simple it can be and give you peace of mind.

Maintaining a Wood Deck

Wood decks require more labor to maintain their look and reduce the risks of scratches, splitting wood, and splinters. But don’t let that deter you, your deck is worth the time and the effort!

  1. Regularly inspect your deck for rotting wood, issues with the flashing, and loose fasteners. Not only is rotting wood unappealing aesthetically, but it is a potential hazard for pets and bare feet as someone could step wrong and suddenly end up falling through the floor. Checking the flashing (the water barrier where the wall and your deck connect) is vital to make sure no water is getting between the boards and your house. And finally, securing any kind of fastener on your deck (nails, screws, and anchors that connect any pieces together like your railings and stairs) and replacing any that are rusty and corroded will keep you safe and prevent major damage.
  2. Replace damaged boards. Damage is bound to happen, whether through weather, kids dragging heavy things across the wood, or animals and their sharp nails. To maintain the integrity of your deck, replace the boards before they become rotten or have huge holes in them. Deck Works specializes in helping you through this process, so if you think you need replacement services, check out our blog post How to Know When to Replace Your Deck and then give us a call!
  3. Stain or seal your deck. This will help your deck withstand water and UV exposure which in turn will delay fading, splinters, and rot. This should be done once a year or so, especially if your deck sees heavy use during the year. There are ways you can DIY this process, but it is easier to call in the professionals at Deck Works to come do it for you so you know it will be done right!
  4. Use the right tools and furniture. Chlorine bleach might make you feel like your deck is perfectly clean, but it will strip your wood of its natural color and damage the wood itself. Check to make sure the cleaner you use for spills, stains, and dirt is suitable for natural and real wood. Protect your deck from unnecessary scratches and dings by using synthetic rugs that won’t trap moisture and create an environment for mold and mildew, as well as keeping the deck safe from heavy furniture.

Maintaining a Composite Deck

Composite decking is growing in popularity as an eco-friendly answer to traditional lumber, as well as the appeal of needing less maintenance and therefore, giving you more time to enjoy your outdoor space. But that doesn’t mean you can leave it alone and not do anything. Let’s look at what steps need taken to keep up with your composite deck.

  1. Avoid standing water. Composite materials are more water resistant than natural wood, but you should still avoid letting water gather and stand for long periods of time on your deck. Redirect your downspouts from your gutters so they flow away from your deck, as well as dryer vents so the moisture doesn’t start to collect. Make sure the underside of your deck is well-ventilated, so the composite materials have a good amount of airflow to dry. Use woven rugs that won’t hold and trap moisture in the fibers and on top of the deck, creating spots for mold and mildew.
  2. Clean with gentle tools. Dirt, salt, and grease can cause staining on your deck, so regularly cleaning high-traffic areas will help your deck maintain its look. Make sure to use gentle scrub brushes, not metal ones, and a mild or natural cleanser. Rinse well with water and make sure to sweep the water off the deck afterwards. Avoid bleach, ammonia, and other harsh cleaners which will make your finish fade and damage the materials.
  3. During the winter months, if you live somewhere with a lot of snowfall, remove the snow and ice promptly. Again, this is to avoid accumulating standing water on your deck. Use a plastic shovel with a rounded edge to avoid scratches and nicks.

Maintaining Both

There are three steps you should take with both a wood deck and a composite deck to maintain their appearance and prevent damage.

  1. Sweep regularly. Both types of decking are negatively impacted by accumulating moisture, which leads to mold, mildew, and rotting wood. Sweep your deck with a broom that is designated for your outdoor space, keeping the outside dirt outside and not on your kitchen floor. Make sure the bristles are soft to avoid scratching your deck. Sweeping will also help keep away things like crumbs and leaf piles that can attract unwanted critters to your home.
  2. Be careful moving furniture. Deck furniture can be very heavy. Lift it up completely instead of dragging it across the deck to avoid scratching the surface. Don’t put heavy planters on your deck, as they can also accumulate moisture underneath and scratch the finish.
  3. Use mats. Dirt is inevitable, but to cut down on the number of stains from dirt and salt in the winter tracked onto your deck, place mats at entry points to wipe your shoes.

Keeping your deck clean and well maintained does not have to be an overwhelming task. By keeping up with small tasks, you will be able to avoid major damage and repairs. But when those things are needed, Deck Works is prepared to help! Contact us today, and let’s chat about the next steps in keeping your deck looking nice all year.